The 1st Edition was created and distributed to those who attended the Reunion Dinner in 2002. It was the first ever contact lists of our classmates or school mates for year 88 (Form 5) and year 90 (Form 6) and compiled by me and Stephen Yii with our classmates' help such as John Wong , Patrick Ling and others.
In the beginning stage at that moment, we were faced some problem as some of our classmates or school mates were not comfortable to publish their contact in the contact lists. Therefore, we have no choice but just put their name and the area they are currently situated at in the book. In actual fact, the content which we put in the contact book are the general information such as name, address, contact number, email address, occupation, marital status and some minor info.
As for the 2nd Edition, I sincerely urge all of our classmates or school mates, please do your part to give your current info or who you know and get their consent to publish in the contact book and give to me, Patrick, Stephen, John, Eng Soon, Joseph or others who are willing to help. We hope to gather all the necessary info as soon as possible.
Should anyone of you would like to give your view on the 2nd Edition "Friendship Contact Book", please feel free to do so and comment in this blog.
I could be contacted on My h/p is +618 0430214199. Could sms me, not very expensive. Company is KBR. Current address is temporary.
John Wong could be contacted on His company is:
Maunsell Limited
121, Rostrevor Street,
New Zealand.
T +64 (7) 857 1876 F +64 (7) 834 8981
I will give my support towards the 2nd edition. Do let me know the way to contribute.
John Fam
The meetup as informed was postpone to next weekend as our Patrick has just been knighted as Father joining the rank of many of us.
We will definitely keep all the feedbacks in mind as to produce the better 2nd edition.
To ensure information are in control and not being manipulated, kindly email to us. For temporary measure, you may extend to us at or
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