Friday, June 26, 2009

Goodbye, MJ

Like many of us who were teenagers during the 80's, the passing on of Michael Jackson came as a big shock.

It felt as if something dear from our youth days had been suddenly ripped out. During the heady days between '83 and '87, his songs were very much a part of our lives.

I first heard his name being mentioned by a classmate when I was in Form 1. At the time, being out of date, I thought he was some kind of a country singer :) Later on, when my dad bought an cassette tape of the Grammy Awards songs of 1984, I discovered Beat It and Billie Jean, and was hooked.

Despite all his troubles from the 90's onwards, for us Gen X'ers we felt proud to say that we are the generation that had Michael.

My all time favourite song of MJ is "Man In The Mirror", and even today I never fail to get goosebumps whenever I hear it. It came to symbolize what I felt as a Gen X'er -- somewhat cynical and hardened but still determined to make a difference.



Mr Tee said...


You will be dearly missed!

joseph said...

Which songs of MJ do you normally listen, Mr Tee?

Mr Tee said...

Billy Jean
Black or White
We are the World
Beat it...

those are the one popular in my mind!

I also learnt moon walk! Not quite successful though.

Ivy said...

Don't know why, but I was never quite a fan of Michael Jackson.

Upon his death, who he is today has more bearing on me than who he was in the 80's. A man who had kinda lost his own identity, a man who didn't like what he saw in the mirror. It's a bit sad.

Nevertheless, he was an entertainer which took away all borders and "united" the world with his music, in his own way.

Warhammer said...

When thou art alive,
A mockery all made of thy way,
When thou hath passed,
All praised the work of thy life.

Mr Tee said...

well said...WH! It is exactly my feeling too