Sunday, October 25, 2009

Malaysia Day Holiday

Finally, it was announced that 16th of Sep will be a public holiday to commenmerate the formation of Malaysia. Yahoo !

Do we really care about the formation of Malaysia ? Do we really care about unity seriously ?

If yes, what are we going to do during this holiday of Malaysia Day ?

Do we need a holiday to show unity ? to remember the formation ? Isn't it all in the mind ?
I tend to agree with Tun Dr. M about too many public holidays we have in Malaysia and do we need another one since we have 31 August for the Merdeka Celebration. How much does the nation lose in productivity for a day of holiday ? Does anyone know ?

Well, with the good intention to share with the young ones....those who were born after 1963 the meaning of this freedom, independence and formation of Malaysia, I believe it is worthwhile, as a start to drill this respect into the minds of the young ones and to remember how the elders had sacrifice their life for the freedom for us.

I hope every one could use this extra holiday to spend meaningful time to share with family members and friends on the formation of Malaysia and how important to keep the fire of unity and patriotism alive...beside celebrating Ardy's birthday ! Also to recover the lost times, everyone must work smarter and harder to provide real productivity to Malaysia, our beloved country. The progressive and dynamic country does not only lies in the hands of the few leaders or politicians...but at the very centre of rakyat's commitment to uphold justice, truth, unity and progress.

How about holiday for Deevapali in Sarawak ?


Heroes said...

You ever ask me this question...."How many Indian friends do you have?"...To be frank, not many as in Sarawak, Indian population is very small compare with Malays, Dayaks and Chinese...... So do you think our Government will consider and declare Deepavali as a National holiday??

joseph said...

16/9 is o-ledi a public holiday and you want another public holiday? A big NO to your question. I mean the gov't won;t consider it.

mygreatbuds said...

Actually, I had quite a number of Indian friends...back in school..within 5.

In fact, when I first arrived at is a race shock for me...there are so many of them...everywhere I go, they are there. At Church, back in Sibu, I have only seen Aloysius family...but at Kajang Holy Family...hmmm memang least 50%....

Hmm...may be need to wait for another 50 years more before the population reaches 10% of Sarawak's population...