Monday, May 01, 2006

Sarawak Elections are here again ....

The elections for the Sarawak State Assembly are upon us again. The Sarawak election is unique in that it is the only one among all the Malaysian states to be held outside of the Parliamentary elections.

As in the past, the opposition doesn't stand much of a chance to win more than a seat or two, let alone wrest the state from BN. The only question would be the margin of the victory.

The most memorable for me was the 1991 one, when PBDS mounted a strong challenge as the opposition. Unfortunately, things fizzled out in the end, and PBDS was never the same after that.

I've never had a chance to vote in Sibu before, because I registered as a voter in PJ back in 1996.

Anyone going back to their hometowns to cast their votes this time around? Any interesting stories to tell? :)

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