They are still alive and no judgement was passed to put them down for killing a human. Well, they are protected species as only about 4,000 of them left in the world. So, i think based on consideration, it is the fault of the worker to jump into their protected areas and as animal instinct, they just jumped and kill considered manslaughter, the punishment is still jail for I think they are already serving their sentence for life as I do not think the Zoo keeper will set them free to the nature even if they did not commit the crime...:-)
However, as I observe the security of the areas, it seems quite relax and no wonder one could quite easily jump over and I wonder why the tigers could not jump from inside as it could be very easily done too !
I hope no more future incident as the Zoo, I rate it excellent for keeping it nice, beautiful, clean and interesting for a day out with our kids...
Hei, next time, take a photo next to it just to have a comparative size with human!
oh i forgot to do apology...but from my scientific measurement, it is about my size. hehehe
Your size is what size? Your photo is 5 years old boy?
what can I say...CHEERS!
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