Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New Kids On The Blog

Hi to u all. I am glad to see a few new friends contributing in our SHS blog. A warm welcome to my friend, Paul or Mr. Tee.....By the way, why u choose this name? I think u knew that is my nickname and u used to call by that too....heheh...remember my friend?

Our friends like Ivy, John, Hanafi, Suhardy etc......Please do put some new posts in our blog here so that everyone of us could have the latest update of our other friends and so on.....


Mr Tee said...

Eric, I can't recall when you used to use Mr Tee. Anyway, glad to find a few 'lost' friend like Hanafi!

Hei handshake, you changed a lot lah! Oops, shd reserve that Qn till you see me now leh. Haha. So where is your base?

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Ha ha. Paul Ting. The guy I tried very hard and failed to tiru his handwriting skills.

Anonymous said...

You guys are changing your nicknames so quickly, and there are new ones coming in,I hardly know who is who.

But I have to say a big THANK YOU to Kok Say (if Heroes=Eric=Kok Say)for acknowledging my presence and be the 1st one to invite me to put in a post....it isn't too difficult to notice the male-dominance of the blog?

Heck, even the top 30 on the reunion name list couldn't afford to have Ah Too's wife's name on it...for all you know, we girls probably went to another school for our L&U 6!

Anonymous said...

It's not male dominance...just the lack of female presence!


Heroes said...

ivy, first of all, thank you.

we do acknowledged the existence of our female calssmates who were in Form L & U 6. I would suggest that maybe u could help we guys to gather our female classmates to contribute some posts in our blog here.

What do u think?

Anonymous said...

I second that. Ivy or the other ladies who view this blog should assist in getting more ladies to contribute. Sort of like a balance and check... :)

BTW, I think the reunion should include invites to the ladies. Let's not box ourselves to just the guys (it may be fun to see you guys again but I'd really appreciate the presence of ladies...hehehe...catch my drift?!?) My 2cents.


Ivy said...

I was expecting the "lack of female presence.." thing from the guys.

I appreciate that you guys don't understand this, but the "male dominance" discourages the "female presence". Did you know how long I debated with myself before putting in the first comment?

You see, I've been spreading word about this blog to the girls, but it's not too difficult to sense the obvious message that this is the "guys' blog". The posts regarding the reunion tops it all -after reading it, I had this feeling my name shouldn't at all be on the contributor's list for the blog!

People say the female species are like elephants, sigh, so true. We remember details in extreme manners and are just way to sensitive over words.

So, I'm going to be "un-female" for a while and say so what if we're a little absent from the blog, we were in your wet dreams long before!!! Some of us girls will DEFINITELY stay around in the blog to carry on the love-hate relationship.

And yes, I'll do my part and try and get the other ladies on the blog. And I must get down on my knees and thank Warhammer for being so considerate as to "think the reunion should include the ladies".

Mr Tee said...

hi v,
Perhaps we have been monkeying around for 5 years and only get to know WHAT is lady when u ladies join us in L&U 6. Hence when we guys get connected automatically we click easily. I for one have been pushing and on my knees pleading more female participants to join our reunion but hugely disappointed with the yearly female figures.
Maybe its time to have a permanent lady representative to get all ladies contact n I think u are most eligible for the title, shall we vote for IVY, boys?

Pat said...

Dear all,

"Raise my hands" -- I have to admit I'm guilty of making this blog too guy oriented :) As mentioned before, I didn't attend Form 6 in SHS, so whether it is this blog or the reunion I do not know any better in terms of involving the ladies. Still, I know that is not a good excuse, and for that I would like to apologize to all the ladies in the class of 1990.

Anyway, I would like to suggest two things here. Firstly, the guys on this blog who did attend Form 6, please help to balance out the blog so that more of our female friends in Form 6 can join in. I can't do that myself, due to obvious reasons.

Secondly, I think it might be better for someone who did attend Form 6 to organize next year's reunion instead. I will still be glad to help out in the committee, and will certainly turn up for it next year. But someone who knows both the class of 1988 and 1990 will definitely be the best person to organize our reunion. Any volunteers? :)

Lastly, the list of persons on the reunion plan is only based on the Form 5 list that I had, so again, my apologies to Ivy and the rest of the ladies for not mentioning any of you.

Mr Tee said...

Pls reserve any comment on Pat abt missing ladies name on the list coz Pat didn't join us in the salivating event on the auspicious day of Lower 6. He was saliviting elsewhere in Belfast (correct, chiong?).
So those guys in F6 who knew any ladies n yet keeping quiet abt missing ladies name shd be blamed. BTW, how come i didn't notice ladies name missing leh, only until u pointed out. hmmm....

Pat, any way of putting up a dynamic name list on the page? I can contribute to the list.

Pat said...

Hi Mr Tee,
You can actually re-edit the post and add/modify the list. Just log on to blogger, find that particular post and click on Edit.

Alternatively, if you want, I can put up the list on the side of the blog so that it will stick there permanently :)

Ivy said...

Sie Chiong & Paul are being such gentlemen, I'm beginning to feel a little guilty..but still, I was so estatic at seeing my name on the blog so many times in a day, I left a puddle on the carpet.

To be fair, I'm ready to admit that the ladies usually don't show much enthusiasm to participate (in whatever), esp the ones with kids. Unfair for me to say so becos I'm not a mum yet? Guilty as charged.

With regards to contributing to the blog, I can only hope the other ladies are as happy as I am in trespassing into the male territory!

Ting Kah Lung, stop using my chinese name!

Mr Tee said...

mai ah neh ah yan. why shout shout again? i thought we already signed the .....eh...better not review here ho? else the ghost might be sniffing the air for more blood shed. Oooouuuuuu......

eh ur garang look is what i like. lai la....

Pat, where can I find the edit?

BTW, u r seconded by me to organise next year reunion. U've my support and back up...as always.

Mr Tee said...

Hi Pat,
I've figured out. Only the post creator can do EDIT so that's you. May I suggest, u create a permanent list and categorise by towns/cities (countries perhaps if overseas). Dun forget to add 'GHOST' category for those we 'knew' and yet dun know where or no identity. ;)

Anonymous said...

How come I don't get the gentleman tag like Paul and Pat? Sob, sob. I did mean what I say when I mentioned ladies should be included - no sarcasm or cynism or male egoism - just plain considerate. FYI, I'm the first to point out the non-presence of ladies in the reunion name list. Mr Tee did'nt even notice! Where's that box of tissue when you need it! [More sobs]

Seriously though, it is the lack of female presence. I'd be more than happy to chat/post comments in any topics posted by our lady friends. Sadly, only you are active. If you re-read all postings, you'll see that all of us are quite happy another friend joined in, female or otherwise...Mr Tee - I reiterate - Martians don't count!
Last words, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. And spare Pat the drubbing...he's innocent. Mr Tee's the guilty one! :-) Hehehehe
I'll even be happy to provide you with a large hammer - FREE, if you wish to pound him. :-)

Mr Tee,
Thy humourous statement moves mine belly...I thank thee humbly for thy thought and thy considerate will. May thou be blessed ever with such witty sense. :-)

Ivy said...

Aahh...I'm sure you don't need me to say it to make you a gentleman.

Just to humour you, you've got me scrutinizing thru the photos trying to figure out which one has a head that looks like a war-hammer. Even searched for my copy of F6A1 photo...can't remember where I placed it.

Ah Lung, let's nail him down.

Mr Tee said...

I have enlisted 3 boys from 5S3 whose head assembles war hammer but I doubt he is from 5S3. Will let u know when we meet.

If I find out his name one day, I'm gonna personally skin him alive by peeling his skin piece by piece and I shall barbeque it and share it among our reunion goers. The warhammer head I shall make curry soup. His limbs shall be donated to SHS to guard its 4 corner boundary. His body shall be chopped up into cubicles and store in my freezer as my turtle feeds. The bones shall be crushed into powder for my gardening purpose. Nyuck! Nyuck!

No offence bro.......for fun mah like u said loh!

Anonymous said...

My nick belies my true nature. I do wield a hammer...not to make war but the opposite. Wink, wink!

Mr Tee,
I don't take offence easily. In fact, I am glad you've finally come to your humourous sense. Really funny. Keep it up!! Seriously, I was LOL!!


Mr Tee said...

Muah ha ha ha......Warhammer. U have been spotted. Muah ha ha ha ha.......thou shall not.....hai...that's ur language...u just wait till I go Sibu and tell ur mummy that u've been very naughty!

Anonymous said...

Mr Tee,
I'm not in Sibu...my family's not even in Sibu now...muahahahaha...
