Tuesday, July 24, 2007

SHS girl crushes?

My 1st experience holding a girl hand.....lower six loh. Hei...i remember now...i also crush with ?? (a year senior, fxxx forgot her name...crush mah...how can remember name till today)..staying at Rambutan Lane. My heart skips a bit and another part hardened whenever we were waiting for our own transport. U know she stands at one side of the gate (outside Albinus house) while i stand at the other side.....ah hem...pretending to be gentleman mah. Me too shy to talk to her but managed to pick up guts to write her a letter of which she replied, 'Ah Tee, next time u meet me, just identify urself and I will give u sweet!' Needless to say....do I ever identified myself to her?


Anonymous said...

Hehehe...now this is more like it. Bravo, Paul. But how can you not remember the name of the girl you had a crush on?!? :( More so when she also made your...ahem, other self stand to...ATTENTION!! ;-)

That's so not you...or perhaps Wife 1.0 is running in the background. So sorry about that, there's only so much I can do (read your post, IT Geeks).

I still remember the name of that F6 girl (and other girls)...and how on a rainy day, just after class, we cycled off together: she following immediately after me, into the rain. No matter how fast I cycled, she was right behind me. Needless to say, both of us were soaking wet by the time we reached the roundabout. BTW, you know what can be seen when our white shirt gets wet (wink, wink). There we had to part ways. Looking back, I wish I had guts then. So many chances...so little guts. Wonder where she is now.


Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Who can forget Wong Pei Pei. I can forget the name of YOU GUYS, but I cannot forget Wong Pei Pei and what SHE REPRESENTS. Where is she now? WE MUST ALL FIND OUT!!!

Another girl I remember who was in the same Form 6 with us (I spent a month or so in Form 6) was Audrey Lim, but I did not have a crush on her, but we did stood together as prefects during assemblies, and I do remember her brushing off some dust from my blazer shoulders.

It was a hair raising experience, first time a girl stand very close and touch you some more! Ha ha.

Audrey I hope you won't be offended with this recount.

Mr Tee said...

Audrey Lim is in KCH and blessed with a loving hubby plus 5 lovely kids (70 millions pop, remember?). I can get her contact if u wanna get in touch. She handles a Sunday school class at St Peter Church. BTW, her figure is still.....good despite the 5....

Ya lah. My virgin hard disk was corrupted. Thus no name of the crush lady cld be retrieved. The present hard disk Seagate 7200RPM has been filled up with Wife 1.1 data. Will probably need an upgrade soon coz Kid 1.0 till 3.0 have been filling me up very fast too. Oooi...when u wanna tell me who u r? I dun feel comfortable talking to a ghost leh.

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Mr. Tee.

Married women dont talk la.

Just now I was talking to a friend, and we were thinking if there are still single ladies from SHS (F6 when we are F4 or F5 or the same batch of F6 with us) around.

Must definitely invite them for the annual gathering.

Mr Tee said...

hansac, ya still got single ladies from our batch. I met her last mth while in Sibu. Will extend the gathering invite.

Heroes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mr Tee,
Why you so obsessed with my identity? If I'm a ghost, I'll talk to you in your dreams...hehehe..."Paul, Paul, Paul...wake up...go do your stuff..."

You are right on the dot again but failed to finish the sentence. Married women don't talk...they just nag! [I can see flak coming my way, so before it happens...no offence ladies, just good-natured jibe!]

Mr Tee,
Are you going to also extend the invite to the one you had a crush on? You have got to do it. Conquer your fear! :)

Mr Tee remembers...he just doesn't wish to share. I remember him going gaga and losing his mind. Oops...did I say too much? No offence Mr Tee...just good fun. Nice to be able to chat wif you guys.

Dear Pat, Heroes, Hansac and Mr Tee,
Don't tell me we're the only ones who developed feelings for the opposite gender during secondary school. How about the rest? Gay ka? How come no word one?

Ivy said...

Guys! Guys! Guys! Is it too much to ask that you keep your "under-brief" stories amongst yourselves. Ah..I almost forgot, you consider this blog as "amongst yourselves".

As much as I enjoy laughing at your stories of puberty, I have to say that there is just this bit of teeny weeny winge of insult that any member of the female species will feel while you guys have your bit of expressive fun.

Still, it's YOUR blog....if this were the days of black magic, you'd all probably burn me on the stick as a witch for speaking out!

Carry on with the fun!

p/s maybe you'd like to rename the blog...Sacred Heart All-Men 88-90 Alumni

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Sorry Ivy, my sincerest apology.

Sometimes when people our age (36!!! or 37 if you went through transition) gang together, we forgot that we are going to be 40 soon and that we think we are still in secondary school.

Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Hehehe...you haven't changed, have you? Still serious? If you're offended, our apologies. But if you read carefully, none of the post here degrades our fellow female student, senior or otherwise. In fact, it is the very OPPOSITE! What you'll see is appreciation for the very fact that the female species were/are present in our school - an all-boys school (until F6 that is). Imagine the reverse. See my point?

By the way, this is NOT our blog - it is the blog of ALL, martians do not count. Perhaps you'd also like to post your crush? Anonymously, of course. :)

And no, we won't burn you on a stick. Sticks make good firewood in the dark and cold days. Not good to waste on witches. We just let the harimau do the job. Keep them off our kambings. :)


Anonymous said...

p/s: I'd like to add that the suggestion of renaming the blog could be construed as an insult to the founder and/or others who treasure this site. Seriously, you should suggest we rename this post instead. How does "SHS Girl Crushes - Ladies, Read at your own Risk" sound?


Pat said...

Oops, I thought this will just be some harmless reminiscing of our more "innocent" days when we had our first attractions to the opposite sex.

Whilst I don't think anyone of us here have overstepped any boundaries, maybe its time to move on to other topics :)

Regarding the ladies' participation on this blog, my apologies, as the founder of this blog and someone who did not manage to attend Form 6 in SHS, I do not really have any contacts with the ladies who were in the 1989-1990 Form 6 classes. So, any assistance from anyone to encourage the ladies' participation here is certainly appreciated. So, Ivy, maybe you can start by putting some posts? :)

Ivy said...

Hey guys, no apologies necessary. Like you all, I'm just having fun on the blog.

No offence taken, and I hope vice-versa too. A gal can say what's on her mind too, right? Agree with Pat, time to move on to other topics.

Warhammer, you're making me feel like naming myself X-men. Ya, I didn't know I was tagged as "serious" until I finally started growing up, and that was only a few years back. Growing up is a humbling experience. Who the heck are you???

Anonymous said...


Topics have always been moving forward. If you look at the main page, the latest post is by Heroes on the incident involving a teacher and her students. By no means will this post leapfrog the latest post even if there are 100 comments here compared to 1 in the latest post. Eventually, as more topics are posted, this will sink out of sight (on the main page). Now, whether a reader chooses to actively participate in this topic or elsewhere is their sole right and freedom...until you bar them. So I'd say, let the freedom of expression flow. You get more participation that way. We're all adults here who definitely know where the line is drawn.

My thoughts.


Anonymous said...


Glad to see you're having fun. Although, you're starting to sound like Mr Tee (who also wants to know my ID).

Hahaha... :)

- Gascoigne, VANDREAD


Pat said...

Thanks Ivy, Warhammer.

Agree with thoughts shared by both of you.

As mentioned, we're all adults here, so, I'll continue to let everyone participate in whichever way they prefer, so long as no personal (real) insults are traded :)

Regarding Warhammer's identity, if he chooses to keep it a secret for the moment, I suggest we let him be for now, then we "kena" him when we find out who he is at next year's reunion, hehe :)

Mr Tee said...

hi bro n sis,
No offence pls. This is new age. Netizen, remember? We are free to express our view. Am glad, finally Ah Yan has come out to join us. Welcome back, i must say.

BTW, WarHammer: U r welcome to keep ur identity from us all but I wld like to re-iterate i dun feel good talking to a ghost. Why r u afraid of letting us know who u r? I personally think its pathetic for school mate like us who knows each other for (some) more than 2 decades and yet like to hide behind ur real name. C'mon mate! Show urself. Peace mate. My 2 cents.

Hi heroes, quit that topic will ya! That lady is too sensitive to mention here moreover i dun wanna end up having black eye. The hubby trades very BIG biz.

Anonymous said...

As mentioned, we're all friends here, so there shouldn't be any trading of insults or items of a personal nature, even if at one or more points in our younger years, we may have some "disagreements" with each other. All talks are in good fun. Hmm...come to think of it, I did give some people a dental job during my primary school and uni years...and I'm not even a dentist! Hahahaha....

Renaming urself X-men won't cut it...too common. How about Storm? Heh heh...BTW, also glad to hear you've loosen up a bit (read - have fun/joke around)...you were kinda hard to approach/talk to in school...my impression at that time anyway. :)

You were (and dare I say, still am?) a ladies man...good thing you didn't join F6...otherwise all the girls you sapu... :) BTW, I welcome being "kena" by y'all. RM50 to the first one who can do that. Muahahaha...[evil laughter].

Mr Tee,
One of your characteristic is to tread on familiar ground so I can emphatise with you. You dun feel comfy talking to someone you can't unmask, even though that someone has met you and talked to you in person before. To be honest, it's not that I am afraid, it's just fun this way. ;-) BTW, I have talked to a spirit of the departed before...and the level of uneasiness you are feeling now ain't even close to what I felt. So please, don't mention ghost again. You may just get what you wish...and trust me, it ain't fun.

Now that that's out of the way, let's keep the fun banter rolling...

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin...
- chorus of a song I've forgotten.

Apasal senyap?

BTW, y'all, out of curiosity, are we the only ones viewing the SHS blog (generally, I mean, and not this topic only). What happened to the rest?


Mr Tee said...

ah well, it may be fun for u but ain't for me DEFINITELY bro. The final outcome is u r risking losing me as ur buddy. But what the heck to u right?

I for one is the type who cherish friendship especially those from our school and which is why I'm always around whenever shs8890 appears or when there's a reunion.

We r all in our mid 30's. Probably half of our life span I may say. Some may have past more than that. A few have already been called to heaven and there's one who admitted have spoken to the spirit (ai ya)!

So hide and seek is not my ball game. Identify urself and you may be treated to breaky or lunch. Its not I can't unmask but I wld rather let u unmask urself.

Or shd I say.........GROW UP! Enuf said choice is urs. Either join in with ur name or I shall cut my line with u. ;)


Anonymous said...

Mr Tee,
As it pleases thee to do as thou wish...mineself shall be knownst as Warhammer and wear mine mask I shalt. Know this though; isn't it hypocritic to claim to cherish friendship yet threatens to cut thine line from someone who offers yet no harm but friendship? I playeth not hide and seek - remember I never asketh that thou crack thy nuts to seek mine identity. Shalt thou not be the one to grow up and accept that others mayeth have a right to free expression?



Mr Tee said...

Well phrased WarHammer. I respect u as an identity on the net but as a friend in my context is to know who u r and a name to call. U hit all the points I mentioned earlier and yes u got them all correct but it is ur name that I seek to know.

Remember, we have a party to support (Pat) so lets get on with it and drop ur mask and we can start assigning job task.

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Actually I agree with Paul that we should not remain anonymous. Use of pseudonyms is fine, but not hiding your identity, especially among old friends.

I've been on the Internet too long (since 1992 and BITnet since 1991) and certainly do not appreciate unnecessary anonymity.

So warhammer, it is of course your right to remain anonymous, but expect some surliness lah from us who do not know you ha ha.

Ivy said...

Hanafi, Paul & I are quite sure we know who our anonymous friend is already.

Warhammer, did you really believed that you could succeed in eluding a female's sharp sense and observation? Yee hee hee hee hee (a witch's war cry)...I still have the card with lots of dog and cow s..t on it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...really now dear Ivy...doth thou really knowst my identity? Mayhaps thou hath mistaken mine for another as I surely think thou hath? Clear thy mine and thou shalt see that I am none closer than thou thinketh.


Shalt I say to thou as I sayeth to Paul...do as thou pleases thee for I shalt stay as I am - Warhammer. Surliness, burliness, whatever-ness are most welcome. I especially like Paul's plan for me when...ooops, IF EVER, he finds out who I am. :) ;) :P
Too bad there are no emoticons here. Hehehehehehehehe!


Warhammer aka Casper the Warring Ghost

mygreatbuds said...

It is good to see the corr is moving actively. Words can be expressed freely but do please be careful as it could lead us to possible problems.

I saw few names hv been mentioned for "fun" and I felt pity on these persons were not even in our fraternity, thus unfair for us to comment much. If ever need to commented, it must be on good sense.

I am totally with Mr.Tee, true friends would not hide from each other on their presence/identity. Imagine we have another two three others start using such names and each would not know each other in real sense, our intention of blog will be misled. Further, the creator of this blog and contributors are subject to legal means if things got out of hands.

Well, not asking you to reveal yourself since you are good in hiding yourself but I hope you could review my earnest opinion.

I guess, on safer side,..the best would be ignoring you (as we just do not know who are you and you know who we are) though much I would not like to do so..:)

Ivy said...

You win, Casper. Read your comments at my posting....so you are a science stream guy after all. Sucks, I thought we had you.

Looks like everyone's breathing down your neck, heh heh...you better not lose them guy friends of yours, precious precious. I shalt rest my mind, there are better things to do then figure out who you are.

I agree with Stephen, no names please, even if the mentioned one is not from our year. Have some respect, will ya guys!?

Heroes said...

Warhammer, truly speaking I really doubt of your understanding of 'friendship' which Mr. tee was mentioning earlier. A friend - we used to be with but/maybe excluding u, we have knew each other with name, identity, in person, thru phone (at least we can listen with voice to recognise), photos (a look to remember...)etc....but not the one who so call him/herself by a nickname without knowing who is he/she and yet saying his/her offering a harmless friendship to someone else?? Do u REALLY consider this as a friendship offering (that refuse to identify him/herself) to someone else???

In fact we are not cracking our head to find who u r but we doubt ur sincerity of offering friendship that lie beneath yr inner self...

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Remember guys (including gals also lah), don't talk to strangers...

Anonymous said...

I know who you meant but no, I'm not him. In fact, I lost contact with him many many years ago.

Your opinion noted. I'd not stop you if you or anyone else wishes to ignore me. It is your right and I respect that. From a legal aspect, it's very easy to trace the originator so should anything arise, this is BOLEHland.

I could go into a very lengthy expression of different opinion with you but let's not go there. Let's each choose his/her own definition of friends/friendship. BTW, you too were one of my good buds in secondary school.

First and foremost: I NEVER asked anyone to try ID me because I KNOW you have better things to do. I have better things to do. All I said was, I'll remain as I am, Warhammer. I've never asked those pseudonyms about their real names coz frankly, I don't care who you are as long as you are friendly enough to offer a semblance of friendship [although I do know who you are]. Sadly, true identities are still required among some of you to maintain friendship.

Okay then, let's not continue to bicker over this. Remember, the topic here is SHS girl crushes - NOT breathe down Warhammer's neck.