Hindu believers in Malaysia shall be celebrating Deepavali tommorow, 8/11/2007. My company management has given half day early release for Hindu's staff. However, as my branch is located in Sarawak...we shall still be open as usual tommorow....yet again the Hindu community in Sarawak has not be able to convince the State Government for a gazetted holiday for this festival of light, although there was some light of granting the wish last year (Hopefully, it will be granted soon).
Do we have any Indian friends in our SHS8890 ? I could not recall any of them, if there is...except Mr. Loka & Mr. Lopez...our Indian teachers. Does anybody know where are they now ? It would be great if we could locate them and keep in touch with them. Without them, we may not know the existence of Indian community and their like (:))...of course beside giving us good lesson in the reproduction organs and ralats.
On..yes...tommorow we have a great activity lining up as we shall have the Chivas Supper Gathering (we shall have great fun...)...and most of all may tommorow be a wonderful day for such a wonderful celebration...Malaysia for Malaysian...Happy Deepavali...
When you talked about Indian friends in SHS8890, I really can't recall any BUT we have an so-call "African" friend with Chinese name...... Can you recall?? :-)
On our Indian teachers, Mr.Loka & Mr. Lopez, to be frank I was hardly understood what they are teaching as they used to be teaching in English all these while but not in BM.
You have brought me back to remember all sort of "lats" thing taught by Mr. Lopez with his unique way of pronunciation. Until now we still talked about sometime when it happened to come across our mind.... :-D
Oh, ya, I think some of us knew and experienced this incident which was brought to us by our Pembantu Sesi Pagi, Miss Ana Drebar. We have to admit that those who used to teach in English medium had to be extra careful when you used wrong "imbuhan" into BM words....
She told our Biology class that we have to get a good result in our Biology. Guess what she said, "Murid-murid semua, kamu mesti dapat keputusan yang bagus dan jangan membawa kemaluan kepada saya". You know what??? All class SILENT.........for a while lar....then laugh like hell but she don't know whats going on and she laugh too......
Of course I remember that cuz I was sitting right in front when she made that remark and I pissed in my pants afterwards!
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