Well, I came across this old photo...about 15 years back...yeap it is a 1992 photo with our Miss Liew being the 1st Chair Lady for our Reunion, in fact 2nd Reunion.
If you closely observed the photos...so if we want our girls to come in batallion, then we may need a Chairlady instead of Chairman..from the photo: 9 boys vs 11 girls.
Talking about the past Chairman/ladyship, I managed to take out the old records as follow;
1990 - Thadeus Ling Allu (this was a Christmas gathering at Ted's house)
1992 - Ms Liew Siaw Chen
1994 - Joseph Sia
1995 - Ms Kiu Leh Ning
1996 - Miss Tiong Kiong
1997 - John Wong Tieng Ing
1998 - Paul Ting a.k.a Mr. Tee
1999 - David Kuok a.k.a Dave
2000 - Tiong Kwong Siong
2001 - Allen Ngang
2002 - Stephen Yii a.k.a mygreatbuds
2003 - Wong Kieng Thai
2004 - ??? (please help...as this memory sector is faulty)
2005 - Daniel Kong
2006 - William Lee
2007 - John Fam ( ???)
2008 - Patrick Ling a.k.a Pat
2009 - ? the nomination is open now...
Just be reminded that we have an unwritten rule...everyone has a chance to be the chairman/lady as no past chairman/lady can be re-elected as everyone has only one chance. Minus the 16 past organising chairman, we still have probably 400 candidates to choose from...hehehe..(not to be too optimistic..Malaysian oldest official record is only 110 years old ?...with average Malaysian vital age is 78 years old +- 10 years...we can probably have 60 more chairman/ladyship...so better grab for early slot for more senang arrangement...before we are getting too old...hehehe)
I am looking forward to see who is the chairman/lady on year 2020 (when I am aged 49 years old), 2050 (aged 79 years old), 2070 (100 years old)...:)
BTW, I would like to propose a special award for our friends...those who have attended all the Reunion Gathering (never miss a single session).
Gr8buds, how come you spell the ladies' surname wrong one?!
Liaw Siaw Chen (or Siew Chen..?)
Kiung Leh Ning
sorry..lehh.again typing at midnight...:)
So you want my vote for the next chairlady ?
Can...for 2020.
If u knw what my perception is about age and aging, you will understand how vital it is to have me chair the 2020 reunion, heh heh heh...
I vote IVY PUAH KIM YAN as the chair person for 2009 and 2020 SHS8890 Reunions.
I seconded with BOTH hands and legs
But she can only do once...I prefer 2009 when you know her age and vital is at most optimum (if you know what I mean)..hehehe...
Ivy, I have no doubt of your capability to be the next organizing chairlady for our reunion. Supported.
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