Friday, October 05, 2007



Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

40 more years till 40. Heh.

Ivy said...

If you ask me my age, I'll tell you that biologically I'm 36, but mentally I'm 25.

I wanted to put up a real nice birthday cake for you Hansac, but just couldn't figure out how I added the image like I did for WH the other time...hey, what's important is the thoughts yeah!

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Ivy: Forgot to say a big hearty hug thank you for the birthday wish.

Thank kayus. Will belanja you next time we meet.

Louis said...

hi ivy and all. use facebook in face book you can send a cake, flowers, etc to your friends.

mygreatbuds said...

Happy Birthday, Hansac.

Chinese saying, when you reach 40...a dragon is born...

English start at 40...

But of still have 4 years before 40. Enjoy every moment of it...

Anonymous said...

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Here's a birthday cake for you, Hansac. :)

Happy Birthday!


Mr Tee said...

Happy birthday Hansac!

A year older a year wiser!

A year older a year longer!

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

THank you everyone!!!

Yesterday my request for a personal laptop was approved.

So happy one!!! Hahah.

mygreatbuds said...

Request from your company or from your wife ?