Sunday, October 14, 2007

Visit to Sofiah's house

Our little entourage to Sofiah's house on the 1st day of Raya consisted only myself and hubby, Mag, and Paul with Ting junior no. 2 and no. 3

To help everyone from getting confused - nope, that's not my boy. Since I couldn't let Ting senior sit on my lap (cos my chief inspector was around), so Ting junior no. 2 took up the spot. Hope it'll be a bigger group next year!

p/s oh yes, my hubby chose to be the photographer since he's not part of the "Sibu Gang"


Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

*batuk* looking at the damsels surrounding Paul.

Morning-morning already *batuk* like this.


Paul: I do not remember you as a lefthander, why do you wear your watch on the right hand?

Anonymous said...

Paul jr no.3 giving the killer looks...only thing missing is a gun on the hand... :)


Hardy said...

I agree with you WH. Looks like he's looking at someone

mygreatbuds said...

Sincerely, I would like to declare here...I am confused at first when looking on the photo on why Jennifer's (Ah Tee's home minister)darker now..but later pheeww...when reading on the notes, it is the piglet queen...hehehe..

You all look great !